Kumari Palany & Co

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Want better digestion? Never consume these vegetables along with curd!!

A versatile nutritious product that is consumed by many of us is curd. There are many healthy reasons for consuming curd like probiotic properties, good for digestion, good for gut health etc.

Posted On :20/May/2024 9:16:04 AM

Do you know about these common mistakes or factors that can affect the absorption of vitamin D!!

We all know that vitamin D is very important for our health. From good bone health to immune function to regulating mood, vitamin D plays a huge role in us.

Posted On :18/May/2024 9:20:58 AM

Very important!! Eating soaked almonds everyday would lead to these skin changes!!

The nutrient as well as hydrating properties of soaked almonds are superb for our skin health. By consuming soaked almonds regularly, our skin would be benefited superbly.

Posted On :17/May/2024 9:16:26 AM

Experts Advocate for Comprehensive Asthma Management This Asthma Awareness Month

With India leading in asthma prevalence and disability-adjusted life years (DALYs), and accounting for 42% of global asthma-related deaths, the importance

Posted On :16/May/2024 7:25:18 PM

Are you aware of these health discomforts a pregnant mother can get?

A tiny cell gets nurtured into a fully grown foetus slowly!! Incredible right!!

Posted On :16/May/2024 9:26:37 AM

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