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To increase their fertility, women must consume these foods without fail

Posted on: 10/May/2018 12:25:59 PM
Every woman born in this world likes to become a mother at least once in their lives and pregnancy is regarded as one of the most important phases in the life of a woman.

Getting pregnant is not very easy for all women. It is worthy to note that sometimes woman do not enter into this amazing pregnancy phase and feel down and depressed. It is known that after getting married a woman is expected to become pregnant and if this doesn’t happen then the woman is subjected to many humiliations. The constant humiliations also results in many woman ending their lives. It must be noted that consuming some foods could increase the fertility in woman and later they could become pregnant.

There are certain foods that a woman must consume so that her fertility is increased. These foods are

Consuming citrus fruits - These citrus fruits must be consumed by woman so that their fertility could be boosted. Citrus fruits plus other fruits like oranges, grape fruits are rich in potassium, calcium folate, vitamin C, vitamin B in them and it increases ovulation and thereby increasing the chances of conception in woman.

Consumption of green leafy vegetables - It is known that these green leafy vegetables are highly beneficial to our health. Not many know that these green leafy vegetables also improve the fertility in woman. Green leafy vegetables like spinach and kale play superb role in this aspect. Prenatal nutrients for every woman like calcium, iron and folates etc are provided by the green leafy vegetables.

Consumption of blueberries and blackberries - This is also one important food that increases the fertility of a woman. The presence of antioxidants plus phyto nutrients plays a great role in this aspect. Folates and vitamin C in these berries would increase the conception capacity. Being obese or over weight would prevent conception. These berries help in weight loss and thereby improve chances of getting conceived.

Avocado intake - By avocado consumption more folates is added to our diet and that is very important. Presence of vitamin K in avocados helps in absorbing essential nutrients better.  Hormonal balance is maintained. Being rich source of monosaturated fats and rich source of vitamin E the oxidative stress of the cells is prevented.

Quinoa intake - They belong to the family amaranthaceae and grown as grain crop is known. The seeds are edible and are superb source of proteins, folates and zinc. Being rich in fibre content Quinoa seeds helps with constipation around period. By consuming quinoa there are more chances of conceiving in woman.

Intake of eggs - Presence of many minerals and proteins in eggs helps in increasing the fertility in woman. Presence of choline and folates helps in preventing birth defects in newborns.

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