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Unwell? Check your phone!

Posted on: 07/Jul/2015 9:22:46 AM
Research shows that 88% of mobile phone users do not clean their phones. Why is that a big problem? Believe it or not, a typical mobile phones can have upto 25000 germs per square inch. Yes, you read right, 25000. 

Most infections are transferred from person to person by touch. By touching the germs on your phone and then someone else, you are putting yourself - and others - at risk. Common bacteria present on a  phone may be Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus aureus, E.Coli, Acinetabacter, Klebisella and Influenza. The warmth of your phone and your body (because the phone is almost always close to you) help these disease causing bacteria to thrive. It is most necessary that you clean your phone from time to time. 

General physicians in the city have also voiced concern over the illnesses that these bacteria may cause. ‘The highest risk of infections has been found in hospital-owned mobile phones. As these are shared among employees from shift to shift and require proper means of disinfection to ensure that there is no spread of diseases... Research has shown that mobile devices are considered as one of the largest contaminants and carriers to spread diseases. Bacteria found in mouth and upper respiratory tract also spread through aerosoles and droplets that are released while breathing and talking. Also due to frequent usage, the phone surface remains hot, leading to sweating and transfer of bacteria from the body to the individual. The warmth of the phone is a favourable medium for growth and multiplication of various organisms’, they say.

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