Kumari Palany & Co

In Chennai, free face masks are distributed for the people in markets etc

Posted on: 15/May/2021 9:24:06 AM
It is compulsory to wear facemasks in the public places in Chennai now and there are many who do not follow this. Now, GCC has started distributing free facemasks to the public at the market plus in the crowded areas in Chennai. On the first day across Chennai, 100 camps were conducted and this was according to a GCC officer. The customers and vendors would be given reusable cloth facemasks if they do not have one. The camps would be carried out for certain periods of time.

In the beginning, those without facemasks would just be given warning and next time a penalty would be collected from them if they repeat the mistake of not wearing facemasks. The shops would also be sealed.

It is learnt that an amount of Rs 1.34crores has been collected from those who did not follow Covid-19 protocols in Chennai and out of that amount more than Rs 21 lakhs has been collected in this total lockdown.