Kumari Palany & Co

FREE STAY, TREATMENT to be available at the COVID CARE CENTRE facility in Hande Hospital in Chennai

Posted on: 14/May/2021 9:26:44 AM
Ever since the year 1984, Hande Hospital in Shenoy Nagar in Chennai have been doing superb service to the public. Yesterday, Jain Annapurna Trust launched a comprehensive Covid care centre in this hospital. The facility was inaugurated by the new Medical and Family Welfare Minister Mr. N. Subramaniam. Others who made their presence felt were Mr. M.K .Mohan, Anna Nagar MLA and former minister Mr. H.V. Hande.

A 40 bed facility with ICU has been developed by this trust in this hospital and there are ventilator beds also for the Covid-19 patients. Critically ill patients would be able to get free treatment and stay in this Hande Hospital and it would be functioning round the clock. It is worthy to mention that this is the second such Covid care centre developed by this trust in Chennai city. At the T. Nagar based popular Bharathirajaa Hospital in Chennai, free covid care centre was first developed for the patients. For the last 45 days, the Covid care centre has been functioning in this T. Nagar hospital.

Under the Jain Annapoorna Trust, Covid care centres now have a capacity of 140 beds in total.

As per Mr Narendraa Srisrimal, trustee, it was clear that in 2020 around 5000 patients got treated for Covid-19 infection at Bharathirajaa Hospital and other social groups like RYA and JITO also played their part. Now, activities have commenced due to THE raging second Coronavirus infection wave.

It was later highlighted by the minister Mr. M. Subramaiam that the new TN government has been doing its best to control Covid-19 spread.