Kumari Palany & Co

Now, TPR in Chennai has gone below 10% for the very first time since the second COVID wave began, TPR for rest of TN 22.7%

Posted on: 29/May/2021 9:25:52 AM
The superb piece of news now is in Chennai for the first time ever since Covid-19 second infection wave began the test positivity rate or TPR has gone below 10 now. The GCC has asked the CT scan centres to share details of the patients undergoing scans.

The Chennai corporation commissioner Mr. Gagandeep Singh has issued an order and as per the order it was clear that certain private CT scan centres are taking CT chest scans for Covid-19 suspects without doing RT PCR test. These private scan centres are not notifying the same to the corporation.

The order mentioned that private CT scan centres in the corporation must intimate the details to all the persons who undergo CT chest with addresses, phone number, CT severity and symptoms. If the CT scan centres fail to share the details then strict action would be taken against them.

For each of the 15 GCC zones, officers have been nominated and they would be coordinating with scan centres. Point to be noted is GCC had issued a similar order to the private labs in Chennai to share the details of those who undergo Covid-19 tests.

It is worthy to mention that TPR has come down to 9.4% on Thursday in Chennai city and this was due to the total lockdown imposed. On the same day, the rest of TN recorded a TPR of 22.7%.

At the Nandambakkam in Chennai, 800 oxygen beds have been created in the trade centre to treat Covid-19 patients. The Chennai corporation commissioner made his presence felt there yesterday.