Kumari Palany & Co

India Post Employees to go on strike throughout the country

Posted on: 21/Aug/2015 9:42:36 AM
India Post Employees Union has already announced that they would go on strike on 2nd September. Tamil Nadu Unions are also participating in the proposed strike.

The strike is a token protest against the government policy on foreign investments and its anti-labour approach. The employees have planned to campaign on their demands throughout the country including the state of Tamil Nadu.

The strike is a token of protest against the Central Government`s various activities/programmes such as Foreign Investments in Public sector Undertakings, manpower reduction programme, efforts to weaken public sector industry, and changes in labour welfare laws and then protest against the rising prices of commodities.

Unions of Central Government Employees such as the departments of Defence, Post, telecommunications, etc and State Government Employees Unions are joining together to go on token strike for 1-day token strike.

All the leaders of India Postal Employees Unions have officially confirmed their participation.

They have programmed to campaign throughout Tamil Nadu to create awareness amongst Tamil Nadu Postal Employees. They will conduct meeting at the front of all zonal and regional post offices spreading awareness on the necessity to go on strike.