Kumari Palany & Co

Is it ‘OK’ to buy gold on the ‘Akshaya Thrithiya’ day?

Posted on: 01/May/2014 9:56:08 AM

Followers of the Hindu religion & the Jain religion consider ‘Akshaya Thrithiya’ as one among the 4 sacred days in year.
As per the Hindu religion, this day signifies the birth of Lord Parasurama, the 6th incarnation of the 10 incarnations (‘avathars’) of Lord Vishnu.
Further, this was the day when the Ithihas (sacred book) ‘Mahabharatha’ was written by the great sage Vedavyasa and Lord Ganesha (Vinayaka). The word, ‘Akshaya’ in Sanskrit language has a meaning that ‘always without any problems or shortages’.
This day is supposed to bring good luck and success. Any activities such as opening a new company, or buying a house, or buying a mobile phone can be done on this day as it is considered as very auspicious.
This year, Akshaya Thrithiya falls on Friday, 2nd May. Especially in Tamil Nadu people tend to buy at least half a gram of gold on this auspicious day. This is from the belief, that one would be able to buy more gold after this.
Akshaya Thrithiya being considered as sacred, it is the best to start any positive activity on this day.
However, there is no connection between buying gold on this day and brining good luck. However, if there is money on hand, there is no harm in buying gold.
We are all expecting a new government at the centre. If the government is formed as per the wishes of the majority, there is every hope to expect the value of Indian Rupee to rise against the US dollars. If this happens, the chances of a reduction in gold prices are bright. Hence, it is better to approach any issue by thinking more practically as per the prevailing conditions using our brains rather than being blindly led by emotional beliefs!