Kumari Palany & Co

Introduction of new Ayurveda medicine without side-effects for treating diabetes

Posted on: 28/Jun/2016 1:34:08 PM
India already has the dubious reputation of having the maximum percentage of diabetics population in the world. Further, it is increasing every day.

In this scenario, more and more new medicines are being introduced in the Ayurveda system of medication.

A new Ayurveda medicine, called ‘BGR-34’ which has no side-effects while curing type-2 diabetes, has been introduced by Indian Science and Technology Council.

This new medicine has been jointly developed by the National Botanical Research Institutes and Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in Lucknow (UP).

The 2 companies did extensive research on the old Ayurvedic medical notes which are more than 500 years’ old. The new anti-diabetic medicine has been made with some special herbs such as daruharidra, giloy, vijaysar, gudmar, majeeth, and methika.

It is to be noted that many anti-diabetic medicines currently sold in the market tend to create side-effects.

However, BGR-34, the Ayurvedic Medicine, reduces the sugar level in the blood without any side-effects.

This was informed by the Senior Scientist from NBRI, K S Rawat.