Kumari Palany & Co

New iOS update

Posted on: 15/Aug/2015 12:12:06 PM
Mac and iPhone updates have been released by Apple. The update will fix bugs that have been affecting Apple`s new Apple Music. 

The iOS update 8.4.1 will reduce general errors while improving performance of Apple Music and Beats 1. Users who have complained about being able to access their iCloud Music Library should be able to do so now. 

The bugs that have been fixed are: resolving problems with turning on the iCloud Music Library; the issue in which newly added music is hidden in Apple Music when offline music only is set on; the new update will enable the user to add songs to a new playlist; it resolves an issue that shows different artwork for an album on different devices; it also helps artists who have been posting to Connect and facing problems while doing so; lastly it fixes the `heart` button on Beats 1 - users have been complaining that it does not work.