Kumari Palany & Co

Deficit rainfall in Tamil Nadu

Posted on: 20/Dec/2013 10:46:18 AM
Already Tamil Nadu was suffering from power shortage and the poor northeast monsoon will also lead to drinking wa­ter scarcity apart fr­om affecting agriculture. Except for Ka­nyakumari and Tiru­nel­veli districts, all other regions in the state are reeling under deficit rai­nfall this season. This deficit rainfall is bound to create a serious challenge to water managers in Che­nnai on how to manage the looking drinking wa­ter shortage during the summer season next year. The state received ra­ins only from cyclonic sto­rms and even those two depressions that cro­ssed Tamil Nadu gave rains for only one day each. 
While the season witnessed a record four cyc­lones Phailin, Helen, Lehar and Madi this year, but for the last one none of the others made landfall in Tamil Nadu.
Even Madi crossed the sta­te only as a depression, bri­nging rains for only a day. The state has so far rec­eived a mean ra­­infall of 29.5 cm compared to a normal of 42 cm for the nort­hea­st mo­nsoon season.
Due to a poor NE monsoon, Chennai has realized only 43.6 cm rainfall compared to a normal of 81.7 cm for the period starting October 1 to Dece­mber 18.