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How to maintain the mental wellness in our daily routine?

Posted on: 23/May/2018 3:07:42 PM
Recently a study was conducted on the sleep-wake cycle affecting the mental health of Human Beings. This research was published in the famous medical journal, The Lancet Psychiatry implying the importance of proper circadian rhythm affecting the overall psychological wellness of a person.

There is an internal clock inside every organism that works in tune with the nature. Human beings have this clock based on the sun and moon movements. The activity goes in the day and the rest mode during nights are the primary normality of the bodily function. Any kind of disruptions in this biological clock of Circadian rhythm, the mental health of a person can be affected without any external stimuli.

Risk of bipolar disorder and depression are high in the group of people disturbing their sleep wake cycles, due to night shifts, jet lags and other sleep related disorders. The activation of the body for the work is equally important to the rest of the body during the night time, especially after sun set the body has to gradually step down from activity to rest.

Consumption of food in late lights can also affect the circadian rhythm of a body and so finishing a day’s meal before 7 P.M is the best choice to restore the lost biological balance. This can further lead to the balance of the sleep wake cycle resulting in the wellness of our physical and mental concerns.

The study published clearly reveals the negative impacts of cognitive and reasoning functions of a brain when subjected to long term imbalance of the circadian cycle. The evidence of this fact comes from the detailed study of 9000 adults in regular time intervals. The over activity after sunset and under activity in the day time can disrupt the biological cycles I our body causing various health issues especially mental illness like Severe depression, Bipolar disorder, Panic attacks etc.