Kumari Palany & Co

Musharraf to return home on Monday

Posted on: 25/Mar/2013 11:27:31 AM
Former Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf will return home on Monday after a 4 year long self imposed exile. He was staying in Dubai for the past years.

The ex-General and dictator will land in Karachi on Monday and address a press conference. The earlier programme was addressing a rally by the All Pakistan Muslim League (APML) near the mausoleum of the Quaid e Azam M.A. Jinnah. But this was cancelled due to security reason.

Mr. Musharraf will contest in the upcoming General Elections scheduled to be held on May 11th this year. This despite the Pakistan Taliban issuing a public threat saying that they would kill Musharraf if he contested. Talking to the press in Dubai, he said, ‘I am going home as announced. I am not scared of anything — be it the death threat from terrorists or the arrest on arrival… I am happy I am going back.’