Kumari Palany & Co

Try these various ways to stop the habit of overeating, take care

Posted on: 25/May/2021 8:19:59 AM
From time to time, each of us overeats or we consume more calories than the body uses in a day. This is not a good habit at all and it must be stopped at once. It is true that over-eating has a negative impact on the body and fitness.

By over eating, we could become obese and gain more weight than usual. This would lead to many further health issues in us. The food present on the plate would be hard to resist and due to the temptation the majority of us over eat. Various other issues that could arise due to over eating are pain in abdomen, bloating, diarrhoea etc. Truth is that eating more than what the body needs would lead to poor sleep, affect mood and cause stress. The organs in us would have to work harder than usual when we overeat. Hence, we must try to avoid overeating.

In these ways, we could avoid over-eating and keep our body healthy.

By slow eating and by eating small:
It is believed that b y eating the food slowly and by eating in small portions our brain would get enough time to process that the stomach is full. Point is that this body would get cue to stop eating.

By limiting stress:
Many of us overeat because of the stress. This is called stress eating. Fact is that stress eating could be serious and it could lead to weight gain and obesity. To stop eating in excess or over eating, we must have good mental health.

By limiting intake of alcohol:
We would eat more after drinking alcohol and hence we must limit the intake of alcohol to avoid overeating. Point is that alcohol could increase our appetite.

Avoid dehydration:
For this, we must consume water and stay hydrated. Over eating could occur due to dehydration also. It is safe and good to drink more water when compared to other fluids as it is free of calories etc.

By tracking the diet:
It must be noted that a person would be able to avoid over eating or excess rating if he or she tracks the diet intake. There are diet tracking apps available now and by using we would be able to track what we eat.

By limiting distraction while eating:
When we see TV or mobile phones and simultaneously eat, then there are chances that we would be eating more than needed.

By not keeping favourite foods around:
This is also one superb way to avoid eating excess foods or overeating. Point is that we must remove any food that might be close to the reach. We must not also stock our favourite foods in the refrigigerator for this reason.