Kumari Palany & Co

Home Remedies to get rid of Knee Joint Pain

Posted on: 30/Mar/2018 3:51:47 PM
Joint pains are very common nowadays among the 40 to 50 age groups where the actual joint diseases starts to emerge in their bodies. For a shocking truth, even 20 to 40 age category suffering from joint related issues in terms with modern unhealthy lifestyle and food habits. Osteoporosis and Arthritis are the major concern for majority if Women during their menopause and also for men resulted from hectic lifestyle or food abuse.


The main purpose of a person after recognizing pain in the joints is to find the root causes that initiates the pain. The lifestyle causes like over-working of the joints, sedentary lifestyle, high sugar intake and Vitamin deficiency are to be considered along with other causes like medicinal side effects or some other chronic disease. When these causes are sorted out the pain will eventually disappear.


  • People having sedentary lifestyles must move on to get physical to improve the joints flexibility. Walking for half an hour can heavily influence in the overall joint muscles and ligaments making it more comfortable for its functioning.
  • For the people involved in strenuous physical activities or over training of their muscles should take sufficient rest to relieve from the pain.
  • Ginger Tea is the best solution to ease out the pain in the joint areas.
  • Take ice cubes and wrap it up in a towel. Massage in the areas of joint where the pain occurs. It will immediately reduce the pain causing the nerves to relax.
  • Avoiding the refined Sugar and Inorganic Dairy products will have a great impact in improving overall bone health.
  • Sunlight is the only option to obtain Vitamin D, as it energizes the muscle joints and improves the overall bone strength in your body, will enable good sleep at nights as well.