Kumari Palany & Co

Breast cancer in women could be avoided by following these changes

Posted on: 03/Oct/2018 9:47:13 AM
These days we come across many women having breast cancer isn’t it!! It is now revealed by American Institute for Cancer Research or AICR that one in eight women develop breast cancer and that is shocking piece of news. Out of all the cancers, the breast cancer is the second most common cause of the death in women.  It is said that if proper preventive methods are taken then 38 % of all breast cancer cases could be prevented. Some breast cells start to grow abnormally, divide rapidly and continue to accumulate forming a lump. This leads to breast cancer in women. The cancer then starts spreading to other parts of the body by lymphatic system and blood vessels. Breast cancer could be caused due to environmental, genetic and due to lifestyle factors also. The lifestyle factors could be changed so that breast cancer could be avoided in females.

Various lifestyle changes that help in preventing breast cancer are

Intake of low fat diet:

This is one important lifestyle change a woman must follow. The studies have proved that breast cancer women who consumed low fat diet survived more when compared to the women who consumed normal diet. The superb piece on information is intake of healthy fats like omega-3 fatty acids could reduce the risk of getting breast cancer later.

By breastfeeding:

There are some women who stop breast feeding their babies these days and this wrong. The news is breast cancer could be reduced if the mother breast feeds her baby for more than a year. The breast cells ability to act abnormally could be limited by the breasts that produce milk 24*7.

By staying active physically:

By maintaining healthy body and mind the breast cancer risk could be reduced and this could be possible by the physical activities. The amazing piece of news is women who do brisk walking for one to two hours in a week have got low chances of getting breast cancer in them.

Avoid alcohol consumption:

Like men, many women consume alcohol these days. By consuming alcohol women are more at risk of getting breast cancer. Avoiding alcohol intake would be superb for the health of women as well as for avoiding breast cancers etc.

Avoid smoking:

Similar to drinking alcohol, smoking is very bad and many women these days smoke. Breast cancer affects the women who smoke at early age. In pre-menopausal women there is a link between smoking and the risk of breast cancer. So avoid smoking.

Intake of healthy diet:

This is also one important lifestyle change. Women must take healthy diet so that she could be free from breast cancer issue.  

Hormone replacement therapy should be limited:

Women have greater risk of getting breast cancer when they have hormone replacement therapy. It is worthy to note that there are 2 types of hormone replacement therapy namely combination hormone therapy having both oestrogen and progesterone and the second one is oestrogen only hormone therapy having oestrogen. Breast cancer is seen in women who use these above mentioned hormone replacement therapies.

By breast self e examination:

To spot the presence of any lumps on the breasts, women must do self examination of their breasts every month. By this the early onset of breast cancer is prevented and treatment could be carried out well.