Kumari Palany & Co

Schizophrenia- symptoms, causes and treatments

Posted on: 01/Apr/2019 11:03:45 AM
According to some research studies it is now said that schizophrenia could occur in a person between their ages 16 and 30. The shocking piece of information is when compared to the women, men show the symptoms of this disorder at young age.

Schizophrenia is a term given to those having chronic and severe mental disorder that affects the thinking abilities of the person. It is revealed that though schizophrenia is not as common as other mental disorders, the symptoms of this could be limiting movements or activities of the affected person.


It must be noted that due to constant health deterioration those affected with this mental disorder would not be able to line alone and would have to depend on others. There are also few schizophrenia affected patients who do not want any treatment for their issue. On some occasions persons affected with this mental disorder shows clear symptoms but most of the times they appear fine until they reveal what is going on in their minds. .

The 4 types of symptoms of schizophrenia are emotional, cognitive, positive and negative symptoms.

Emotional symptoms:

This is one type where the person affected with this mental disorder shows blunted emotions.

Cognitive symptoms:

The important point is this condition affects the thought process of the person affected with schizophrenia in a positive or negative manner.

Positive symptoms:

Persons having this disorder might show psychotic symptoms like hallucinations and delusion etc.

Negative symptoms:

Lack of motivation and absence of facial expressions are often seen in the patients having this health condition.

There are other symptoms shown by the persons affected with this mental disorder. These are hallucinations, delusions, thought disorder, cognitive issues, avolition, unawareness about illness, isolation etc.

Causes of Schizophrenia:

There are certain reasons why this mental disorder affects certain persons. It is revealed that causes like inappropriate family terms, usage of drugs like LSD etc, genetics and other environmental factors like stress, viral infections, anxiety etc could lead to this mental disorder.

Treatments for schizophrenia:

The important information is persons with this mental disorder could come out of it by means of proper treatment.  As per some psychiatrists it is said that the treatment for schizophrenia could be best and long lasting when it is combined with psychological counselling, medication and self help resources etc.  For treating persons having schizophrenia usage of anti psychotic drugs has been highly successful.  Drugs like quetiapine, risperidone etc are usually prescribed by the psychiatrists to treat this disorder.