Kumari Palany & Co

Know about these fruits that can remove yellow colour and make the teeth look bright

Posted on: 12/Feb/2022 9:16:23 AM
Smiling increases the appearance of a person and that would make him or her feel confident!!

When we look at a person who is smiling, the first thing we notice is his or her teeth colour. Many of us have yellowish coloured teeth and we might feel shy to show our teeth while smiling. There are many reasons for the yellowish teeth colour in us and these are using tobacco products, having bad oral hygiene, certain medications, foods etc. Ageing is also responsible for the yellow colour or less whiteness of the teeth. Wearing of teeth enamel would lead to showing of yellow coloured dentin that is underneath the enamel. 

Point to be noted here is that if the yellow colour of the teeth is due to plaque or tartar build up then it is confirmed that the teeth are not in good condition. People generally prefer home based ways to get rid of the yellow colour of their teeth. We must be careful while using home based methods because there are chances that we might spoil our teeth. By brushing the teeth regularly, it would be possible to keep the teeth bright. Not many would be aware of the fact that there are certain fruits that would help us to get rid of the yellow colour of the teeth.

Fruits that could remove the yellowish colour and make our teeth look bright are

Banana has got lots of nutrients like magnesium, manganese and potassium etc and these would remove the yellow colour of the teeth. Our teeth would have a shiny appearance.

This is another fruit that can be used to get rid of the yellow colour of the teeth. Various nutrients present in water melons are zinc, manganese, potassium, iron, magnesium, calcium. By rubbing watermelons over the teeth the yellow colour would get removed.

The plaque that is present in the teeth would be removed by the malic acid present in strawberry fruit. It must be noted that strawberry piece baking soda must be added and rubbing this combination on the teeth would help us to get rid of the yellow colour.

By acting as a scrubber for the teeth, apples do a superb job of removing yellow colour present on the teeth. Truth is that malic acid present in apples would lead to formation of excess saliva and this would help in the removal of the yellow colour of the teeth.

Our gums as well as our teeth would get benefit from oranges. The vitamin C and calcium present in orange would remove the yellow colour present on the teeth.

By following these, we would be able to reduce y yellowing of teeth in the future:

We must control or manage those foods that would lead to teeth discoloration or tooth damage. When we consume staining foods, we must consume lots of water compulsorily. Teeth yellowing could be kept at bay by quitting smoking also. It is necessary that we must brush our teeth using soft bristled toothbrushes and using fluoridated toothpaste etc.