Kumari Palany & Co

A few tips to keep your children safe from mosquitoes

Posted on: 02/Aug/2019 10:29:03 AM
According to WHO reports, there are a lot of diseases that mosquitos cause. This accounts to over 4,00,000 deaths annually. This especially affects very young children. Day by day there is increasing cases of deaths which certainly needs serious attention. One of the most known disease vector is mosquito. This gives rise to diseases like dengue, maaria, Zika or chikungunya.

Of both male and female mosquitoes, the female ones generally need blood as a main source of food. They tend to bite as they need blood for laying eggs. Such mosquito bites leave itching and redness on the skin and causes a lot of discomfort. Worry not, below are a few ways in which you can prevent yourselves and your kids from mosquito bites:

Understanding the symptoms of mosquito bites
There may be very minor or trivial symptoms of mosquito bites. This may be redness in skin, itching or swelling. In a few hours, these symptoms may vanish, but in a few cases the effects may be long-lasting. These cases do not need serious attention.

In the below cases, one definitely needs to give attention to mosquito bites. This includes

Dizziness,  vomiting, nausea, heavy fever for a stipulated time period, difficulties in breathing, constant swelling, etc. Such cases need to be attended to quickly.

How to keep your children protected from mosquito bites?
If you notice any mosquito breeding grounds near your locale, make sure to stay away from the same. This may be garbage cans, leftover foods that are kept open, areas with water stagnations, open drainage, sewage, dump yard, etc. These serve as comfortable breeding ground for mosquitoes. Hence staying away from these will help.

Wear covered dresses
In case you are letting your child play in the outdoors, make sure to wear fully covered dresses without letting any mosquitoes in. A full track pant and full hand T-shirt will help. Avoid wearing short skirts or trousers when they play outdoors. By wearing fully covered dresses, you do not allow direct bite of mosquitoes.

Avoid wearing deep colored clothes
Generally mosquitoes are largely attracted to dark colors like black, blue and red. Make sure not to wear such deep colors. You can prevent mosquito bites by wearing very light colored dresses. Especially thicker fabrics with looser fitting will extend better protection than others.

Avoid going outdoors at night
Make sure to stay indoors when it turns dusk. Generally the mosquitoes are hyperactive while at night. Hence remain indoors and stay protected. Make use of natural repellents and mosquito bats to safeguard yoyourselves from heavy mosquito bites.