Kumari Palany & Co

Do you want to be a good & effective parent then follow these ?

Posted on: 07/Jan/2020 10:10:22 AM
At a given time, a parent has to look after so many things and hence the life of a parent is enormous.

Parents would be very busy in doing activities like feeding their children, giving them bath, cooking for them, listening to their issues, making money for them etc. Parent might make some mistake in such a situation and this is normal. These mistakes would not make them a bad parent but it would improve the parent to a huge extent.

Being an effective and good parent is important and would be need of the hour instead of being a perfect parent.

Various habits that could make a parent effective are

By making some rules to follow:
It is normal that rules are intended to show strictness. By making some rules, the kids would become stable and well behaved while growing up. Every good parent knows what his or her kid should do and should not do. The values and ethics must be enforced by the parent by making the kids follow the rules. By this, the kids would know the importance if money, time, respect etc.

Be flexible:
This is also an important way to become an effective parent. Point here is setting the rules and making the kids follow the rules doesn’t mean that parent have become stone hearted. It is possible for a parent to be generous and flexible while his or her kid follows the rules set.

By giving love and support for kids:
For every need of theirs, the kids look up to the parent only. Parent must show their love for their kids openly. It is said that by giving a simple hug or kiss on the foreheads love between parents and kids could be brought out easily. There would be good connection between parent and their kids.

By effective communication:
These days, both father and mother go for their work to make both ends meet and due to this they would not have the time to talk with their kids. This must be avoided totally and parents must make sure that they communicate with their kids well.