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Oil Pulling




Oil Pulling

At a conference of the “ All Ukaraniache Union” of the on-cologists (specialists for Tumor Diseases) and bacteriologists (a division of the Academy of Sciences of USSR) Dr. med. Karach spoke about “OIL PULLING”, a super simple healing process for curing various diseases.

Method Of Oil Pulling:

Get refined sunflower oil or peanut oil. Before breakfast in the morning, take one tablespoon or 2 teaspoons or 10 ml of oil. Slowly suck and sip the oil inside the mouth, pull it through the teeth with closed mouth for 15 to 20 minutes. You really chew, move your chin and a lot of saliva is drawn. The poisons are drawn from the blood through the mucous membrane of the mouth. Oil should not be swallowed because it becomes poisonous. First the oil is sticky but as you pull more and more it becomes thin and white like wool. Then spit it out. As long as the liquid is yellow be sure you have not pulled it long enough.

When you suck and sip sunflower oil in the mouth, saliva is poured into the mouth for 15 to 20 minutes. This brings out from the blood, through the saliva, all the harmful elements that are in the cells, tissues and all other organs in the system. When you spit out, these unwanted elements causing diseases are eliminated. This process is similar to urinating except that this elimination is done through the mouth. Use of oil ensures cleaning of mouth, eliminating of germs in the mouth, teeth, etc and enhances the production of saliva, rejuvenates and strengthens the saliva-producing mechanism which help proper digestion. This in turn helps restoration of health too.

After pulling, spit the oil in the sink or drain or any other spot where no plants grow or no people walk about. The sink or drain should be cleaned well because the liquid contains large amounts of bacteria and harmful substances. If you look at a drop of this liquid through a microscope, you can see moving microbes in the first age of their growth. After spitting the oil, the mouth should be washed with water several times and the teeth need to be cleansed with the brush.

It is important to note that during the oil-pulling, our metabolism is increased much and the body remains in a perfectly healthy state.

It is important to note that during the oil-pulling, our metabolism is increased much and the body remains in a perfectly healthy state.

This oil-therapy heals headaches, bronchitis, tooth pain, thrombosis, eczema, ulcers, intestinal diseases, heart and kidney diseases, encephalitis and woman’s diseases. It also prevents the growth of malignant tumors. Chronic blood diseases, paralysis, diseases of nerves, stomach, lungs, liver and sleeplessness are also cured. This also helps in refixing the loosened teeth, stopping the bleeding teeth and whitening the tooth. It also heals many diseases caused by the poisonous chemical substances of drugs.

To enhance the healing process you can repeat oil pulling twice or three times a day. But always do before meal and on empty stomach. This keeps saliva producing mechanism in full operation and the mouth will be free from germs or bacteria. This process is therefore preventive as well as curative.

For patients who are suffering from more than one disease, it is possible that in the beginning there may be worsening of their situation due to one infectious region of the body influencing another.

“Don’t stop when your condition gets worse,” says Dr.Karach. There is no reason to interrupt the treatment even when the body temperature gets higher, since it will only be the healing temperature. Worsening of your health condition is a sign that your disease is disappearing. How long one should do? Thi3 question can be answered by the patient who is in the process of healing. Acute diseases will be cured in 2 to 4 days while chronic diseases need more time, sometimes even a year.

One can also do oil pulling to regain original strength, appetite, good memory and a calm sleep.

With this totally harmless biological healing method, one can achieve miraculous results and thus avoid surgery or medicines with their harmful side effects.