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Sure Shot Success To Good

Signs of depression and tips to get over it.

1. The person has drastic change of appetite. If the person suddenly gains weight or plummets to a stick-thin figure, then chances are he might be depressed. This is just one sign that has to correspond with other signs to validate the existence of depression.

2. He suddenly has a sudden change in sleeping patterns. The person could be a sound sleeper his entire life and then suddenly, experiences insomnia and other sleeping problems. This could be a symptom that depression is lurking, which is a great hinderance in sure shot success formula.

3. The person suddenly loses interest in things and activities he used to enjoy. If a person had been passionate about an activity and then suddenly makes a 360 degree turn, that could be a symptom of depression.

4. There is energy loss and presence of fatigue. You may see an apparent change in attitude. The person does not want to actively participate in activities and the once bubbly charming person wanting sure shot success has lost all interest in life. Energy is seeped from him and when asked what the matter is, he could only shrug and retreat back to his sadness.

5. The person feels he is unworthy. This is when depression can be moving into a serious mode. The person begins to feel that he has nothing to live for and unworthy of being loved and appreciated. This puts the sure shot success formula in great danger.

6. The person starts losing hope. Gone is his optimism and will for success for sure to live another day and apply his own sure shot success formulas. He is already hopeless and no amount of hope springs eternal can pull him out of this rut.

7. The person feels guilty without any reason at all. The person stops himself from being happy because he feels he has no right to be one. He harbors guilt for no apparent reason.

8. He becomes indecisive. What used to be a firm decision-maker suddenly becomes fickle-minded and too indecisive. Depression occurs when one is too insecure to come up with decisions and plan for sure shot success.

 9. He is suicidal. This is such an alarming sign that medical help must be provided as soon as possible.

10. He experiences melancholia. Melancholia is that sadness that completely engulfs the person and is characterized by the following: waking up two hours earlier than the usual, languidly moving in the morning and walking slowly.

11. He becomes mentally disturbed. He suddenly thinks of morbid things, detaches himself from his usual mindset of creating sure shot success and starts hallucinating.

12. He develops physical aches. A depressed person gets stomachaches or muscle pains with no physiological basis at all.

13. He obtains that - My life is passing by feeling. Other than assimilating the Life is unfair and what has gone wrong? Drama, a clinically depressed person also feels that he is just simply watching his life deteriorating from afar and forgetting about sure shot success.

14. The person becomes antisocial. A depressed person is likely to isolate himself from his family and friends. But there is also a case when a depressed person gets so frightened being alone that he clings to people all the time. However, no amount of social involvement makes him feel better. The above are just a few typical symptoms and the presence of a one or two should not be too alarming, but if the indications are there for 5 or 6 of the above then it is definitely recommended to seek professional help. .


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