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Water an indispensible element to life

Neerindi amyadhu ulagu’ a simple Tamil proverb says it all. Without water and air we cannot think of life. No organism can thrive with our air and air, especially water. All living organisms on earth are made up of small functional units called cells. Cell is basic unit of life; more than 90% of cell is made up of water. Water in fact serves as a medium for all metabolisms to take place in the body. Again blood is made up of 1/3 of cell and 2/3 of plasma. Plasma contains water and protein in absolute equilibrium.

Naturally Earth is made up or we can say covered by water to the extent of 70% area. Water is naturally cycled through plants and evaporation and falls on to earth as rain. Water is the main ingredient for maintaining temperature. Water is in all the three states –liquid, solid as ice and vapor as moisture; but formless.

Water is indirectly used to generate power and operate engines with steam power; for all cooking and cleaning purposes. Again it has to be water in its purest form.

It is very important, needless to say, that we consume pure water. For the same reason it is our responsibility , as Human being who exploit the natural resources to the advantage of Human beings, to preserve water in its purest form for the benefit of all the living beings.

It the quality of water that affects the purity of air and the contaminated water when evaporates pollutes atmosphere and impacts the degree of temperature. Its Global warming the most used buzz word in recent times is because of polluted air caused by contaminated water. Contaminated water causes epidemic, some time to uncontrollable proportion.

Society at large not just the Governments have has enormous responsibility. We must live not at the expense of other life but we must enjoy living with other lives; helping other lives to live happily and lead a healthy life too. We have responsibility to our future and to our children who will have enjoy their.

What is to be done? Each one of us should think in terms of not just contributing to conserving water and preserving its purity but restraining ourselves from contaminating the water even inadvertently.

We can do a few things like not draining effluents in to water or ground without treating them, not turning agricultural lands into industrial lands and felling trees in case of Industries. Each one of us must take vow to plant at least one tree in a year. Plenty of social and charitable organizations like Rotary and Lions clubs have thrust programmes and targets for planting saplings. Let us thank such organizations and participate in their programmes that are for protecting environment. Afforestation or preserving forest lands and growing trees on the hill slopes to prevent water from flowing down into sea is there in Government Programmes with the assistance of International organization, especially Scandinavian countries contribute generously towards this and helping the developing countries in their aforestation programmes.

Let us know water and purpose of preserving its purity ;let educate our children ; let us contribute to the extent possibly ; let live a healthy life; let us help other living being live a healthy life and let us together save the earth by preserving the purity of water so that our children shall enjoy.

Water quality : Theme of World Water Day 2010 :

It is still a reality that an estimated 1.1 billion people rely on unsafe drinking-water sources. Therefore the theme of World Water Day 2010 is focusing on raising awareness of water quality under the theme "Clean Water for a Healthy World". IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre offers a wide selection of documents looking at the different aspects of water quality such as water treatment, health and technology. This information is for instance, available via the IRC digital library, the Source Newsletter and on the IRC web site.

In the digital library 22 documents show up after typing water quality and health in the search box. You can click on the links to access the publications. Go to the digital library documents. The Source Newsletter also regularly publishes articles on water quality and you can do a search in the most recent issues to find information on this topic from around the world. Source news items selected. There are a number of practical publications on the IRC web site that you can download and read. There is an FAQ sheet on household water treatment.

The booklet Smart Water Solutions gives examples of small-scale innovative technologies to increase access to safe drinking water.

The popular publication ‘Small Community Water Supplies: Technology, people and partnership’ links water supply science and technology with the specific needs of small communities in developing countries. It has one chapter dealing with water quality and quantity and gives guidelines for different levels of service (Chapter 4). And another chapter