John Anderson arrived in Madras as one of the many
Scottish missionaries. He started the John Anderson
General Assembly School in 1835 (in the present
Opthalmic Hospital premises), which later was christened
the Madras Christian College and School and later was
shifted to George Town. Spurred by the zest for
spreading education, he founded the Muslim School for
girls in Triplicane. It is indeed ironical that this
zestful educationalist is now remembered not for what he
actually stood for; rather his name was given to the
church situated in George Town where once the handsome
buildings of the Madras Christian College stood. The
church, attractive with its unique, slim, towering
steeple reminds us of the fire that burnt in the heart
of the enthusiast.
Location : Brodway, Chennai - 600 108,
Tel : 25226149, 25211186