Described in the British days as the ‘Noblest edifice in
Hindustan’, St. Andrew’s Kirk, an almost two-century-old
church, as S.Muthaiah, the eminent historian of Madras
writes, is perhaps one of the ‘best examples of Georgian
architecture in Asia. ‘W.T Munro describes the church in
Madras ‘the most splendid church in Madras’. The name
itself is suggestive of the Scottish connections the
City had, or rather the Madras Presidency of the British
days. In 1815 a Scot was even appointed minister in the
Presidency of Madras. Considering such an extent of
prominence, it was but natural for the Scots to build a
church of their own.
Location: Poonamalle Hig Road, Egmore, Chennai - 600008.
Tel: 044-25383508