Problems are the gateway to profit, businesses are started to generate profit and prosperity to you and your stakeholders. In business we come across many problems and at times it slows down growth.
Posted On :29/Aug/2017 2:39:42 PM
From personal computers to business computers, apart from Windows OS, every computer has Ms-Office suite which consists of Word, Excel, Powerpoint…
Posted On :21/Jul/2017 6:32:56 PM
Do you know Marketing and Sales are not same? Though the aim of both is to increase the revenue in business, marketing is to create awareness and interest in the market to buy your product/service.
Posted On :21/Jul/2017 6:21:51 PM
CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management. As we business people know Customer is the King, Customer is God and the purpose of the business is fulfilling the need of the customer.
Posted On :14/Jul/2017 2:32:23 PM
From family to business we have heard; Ah! EB bill not paid?, Forgot to pay the Insurance renewal, Forgot to maintain the battery of Inverter, Forgot to service the car, like this many forgets make the life misery.
Posted On :05/Jul/2017 11:19:09 AM