Chennai continues to receive steady nighttime showers, while the southern parts of the city also enjoy consistent rainfall. According to updates from Tamil Nadu Weatherman, the recent low-pressure system over the region has weakened, spreading moisture across Tamil Nadu - a promising development for the ongoing monsoon season.
Rain Forecast:
Today and tomorrow, districts including the Delta region, Ramanathapuram, Thoothukudi, Tirunelveli, and Kanyakumari are expected to receive significant rainfall. Chennai`s KTCC region should continue to see night-to-morning rain, with isolated spells likely during the daytime. Interior and western districts across Tamil Nadu are also predicted to experience scattered showers, though not uniformly.
Monsoon Outlook for Chennai:
The Tamil Nadu Weatherman notes that there is no immediate concern regarding water scarcity in Chennai, as the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) remains favorable in the basin. With more of the monsoon season ahead, consistent rainfall is expected to continue into late November.
Courtesy - Tamil Nadu Weatherman