Kumari Palany & Co

Some amazing health benefits of consuming kaffir lime

Posted on: 02/Jan/2021 10:00:31 AM
Dark green in raw form and yellowish when ripened, Kaffir lime is widely cultivated in South-East Asian countries. This kaffir lime (scientifically known as citrus hystrix) is a citrus fruit. Many south Indian as well as Bengali cuisines make use of kaffir lime. It is worthy to note that the peels of kaffir lime are used in flavouring dishes plus in preparing fragrances etc.

Various nutrients that are present in kaffir lime are vitamin C, dietary fibre, folate, vitamin B6, potassium, magnesium, riboflavin, phosphorus etc. They also have limonene, beta-pinene and sabinene etc. There are many health benefits of kaffir lime and these are 

Superb for heart health:

There are 2 potent flavonoids present in kaffir lime namely naringenin and hesperidin. Our cardiovascular health gets enhanced by the strong antioxidant activity. Heart gets protected from damage due to free radicals.

Prevents cancers:

The presence of organic compounds like phytol and lupeol in kaffir lime could reduce the proliferation of cancer cells. By this, onset of cancer is prevented. It is revealed that colon cancer, blood cancer etc could be avoided.

Cough reliever:

Not many of us know that kaffir lime could provide superb relief from cough. When kaffir lime is consumed with honey then phlegm would get loosened. It is believed that coumarins present in the peel of kaffir lime could provide relief from cough.

Good for oral health:

Most of the diseases in our mouth is due to Streptococcus bacteria and kaffir lime processes antimicrobial effects against this bacteria. Point is that the bacteria could cause biofilm formation on the teeth and would multiply leading to tooth decay. It is said that kaffir lime would prevent biofilm formation plus the growth of the bacteria.

Prevents liver toxicity:

The hepatoprotective effects of kaffir lime play a huge role here.  Liver toxicity gets reduced by decreasing the inflammation and cellular functions get promoted in those who consume chemotherapeutic drugs like doxorubicin etc.

Prevents many infections:

This is also one important health benefit of kaffir lime. Intake of kaffir lime could kill various bacteria like P. Aeruginosa etc. By this, the spread of infections is prevented.

Eases anxiety:

Truth is essential oils extracted from kaffir lime have got superb anti-depressant and anti-anxiety effects. By applying the oil our mind and body gets rejuvenated and we would feel calm. The sedative effect of kaffir lime would induce sleep. Our mental stress would get reduced.

Good for digestion:

Intake of kaffir lime could treat many digestive problems like indigestion, flatulence etc. Our stomach could get protected from injuries etc by the flavonoids present in kaffir lime.

Anti ageing uses:

The juice extracted from kaffir lime is good for our skin and it would prevent the formation of pimples etc. In addition to this, the juice would reduce signs of ageing like scars, wrinkles etc.

For hair growth:

It must b be noted that kaffir lime is used for treating dandruff, baldness and hair loss in Thailand. The citrus aroma plus hair growth promoting activity of kaffir lime is considered for preparing many skin care products.