Kumari Palany & Co

Putting on weight during the winters, these could be the causes

Posted on: 01/Jan/2021 10:16:23 AM
Many of us would have noticed an increase in the body weight in the winter season inspite of doing the daily activities and exercises etc.

It must not be forgotten that the winter season could lead to many health issues like flu, arthritis, cold etc and it also leads to weight fluctuation. It has been shown by some study that people gain weight of 3 to 5 kgs in the winter seasons.

These below mentioned reasons would explain to us exactly why we gain weight in the winters.

Low level of physical activities:
In the winter season, mostly we do not go out for walking, cycling, jogging etc and spend the time by staying indoors. This would reduce the level of physical activity. The calories which we consume don`t get burnt in winters. The calories get stored as fat in the body and this increases the body weight.

Seasonal Affective disorder or SAD:
In the winters, many develop SAD or a type of clinical depression due to the lack of light. By this, we would eat more food or have poor food choices and sedentary lifestyles etc. This would increase the body weight. Therefore, it is necessary to stay under the sun for sometime in the winter season.

By intake of heavier and warmer foods:
Many of us eat heavier and warmer foods in the winter season and it is said that by consuming excess carbohydrates etc could make us gain weight. It is important that we must consume healthier food alternatives in the winters.

Lack of enough water intake:
Truth is that to maintain a healthy weight we must consume enough amounts of water. In the winter season, it is difficult for us to drink lots of water as we would not feel the need of thirst etc. It is believed that in the winter times we must drink atleast 2 to 3 litres of water daily for managing the weight. Point is even a little dehydration could result in hunger and we might eat more foods thereby putting on weight.

Issues due to hormones:
This might be another reason for weight increase in the winter season. Those with issues like diabetes, thyroid etc could gain more weight as hormones go out of control in them. Truth here is that unbalanced hormones might make people eat more resulting in weight gain. Checking for the control of hormones is important. So, take care.