Kumari Palany & Co

Edible seeds that would make you lose your excess weight!!

Posted on: 07/Feb/2022 9:27:50 AM
Losing body weight is not an easy task!!

People try various ways to lose their excess body weight but find them unsuccessful. For any weight management plan to be successful, then intake of diet has got a huge role in that. It is worth mentioning here that seeds have become new super foods that could help a person to lose his or her body weight. The seeds are rich in various ingredients like omega-3 fatty acids, proteins, healthy fats etc.

There are certain seeds available and these seeds could help us to lose our excess weight. These edible seeds are

Intake of chia seeds:
Two tablespoons of chia seeds would have 10gns of fibre content. Chia seeds could be consumed by soaking them in water overnight. These seeds could also be added to dessert or smoothies etc. These seeds would help in weight loss. It must be noted that the compound quercetin present in these chia seeds would help us to avoid many health conditions.

Intake of hemp seeds:
It is known that hemp seeds are highly nutritious. Intake of these hemp seeds would provide us numerous benefits like weight loss, reducing the risk of getting heart diseases, lowering symptoms of PMS and helps in digestion etc.

Intake of flaxseeds:
Intake of flax seeds would help in weight reduction. It has high fibre content and by eating flax seeds we could feel full for a long time. By this, we would not eat unnecessarily. It is also known as common flax or linseed etc. Other benefits of flax seeds intake are lowering BP, lowering cholesterol, Improves heart health etc.

Intake of sesame seeds:
Oldest oilseed crop, sesame seeds are highly beneficial for weight loss. They have lots of fiber in them. Intake of sesame seeds would not only help in weight loss but also in lowering the cholesterol levels, lowering BP etc. Otherwise called as Til, sesame seeds are used in many Indian dishes is known.

Intake of sunflower seeds:
These sunflower seeds are full of proteins and fibres and intake of these seeds would keep us full for a longer time. We could lose excess weight by consuming sunflower seeds. Various ingredients in these seeds are Iron, copper, selenium vitamins like B1, B6 etc. Please take care and do not consume more than 30gms of sunflower seeds every day. Intake of these seeds would reduce the blood pressure and serum cholesterol levels.

Intake of pumpkin seeds:
It is believed that by consuming pumpkin seeds also we would be able to lose our excess body weight. Flat and asymmetrically oval in shape, pumpkin seeds have dietary fibres, proteinins, niacin, iron, zinc etc and intake of pumpkin seeds would provide us numerous health benefits.