In the future, if you visit the eco-park at Chetpet , then don`t be surprised if you come across an aquarium, an amphitheatre, musical fountains, water sports facilities etc there!!
The CMDA or Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority has proposed renovation works at the Eco Park in Chetpet for around Rs 10 cr. This is one of the go-to recreation spots in Chennai for many.
Information gathered is that CMDA would create water sports facilities, musical fountains, bird- view decks plus renovated fishing spots, rock climbing space, aquarium, an amphitheatre etc. The toilets and walkways here would also be upgraded by the CMDA.
Major objectives of CMDA:
It must be taken into account that the objectives of CMDA would be to refurbish urban green spaces in Chennai to mitigate pollution effects. In addition, urban heat island effect would be lowered. It is known that urban heat island is a phenomenon associated with heat trapped in built-up areas. The document from CMDA has mentioned that the urban heat island in towns and cities has been due to the effect of human activities.
It must be recalled that in 2017 the Fisheries department of TN rejuvenated Chetpet Lake and developed an eco-park on 16 acres of land. It is noteworthy that Chetpet has been in a neglected state due to sewage pollution and overgrown vegetation etc. The Chetpet eco-park is also a boating destination within the Chennai limits.
Every month, this eco-park attracts about 20000 visitors and around 500 walkers use the walkways around the lake for their morning walks.