Kumari Palany & Co

Information about the common issue due to COVID - Latest statement by the Chennai doctors

Posted on: 21/Feb/2022 9:29:26 AM
The Coronavirus infection has been spreading at rapid speeds last month and it has been brought under control in Chennai now. It is now brought to light that the Covid-19 pandemic cases have reduced and the persons who have been affected with Covid-19 are facing issues. Point is that the Covid-19 recovered persons have been complaining about the fatigue associated with Covid-19 infection. The Chennai doctors highlighted many factors like the symptoms to be recognised plus the diet post Covid19 infection.

It was mentioned by a recent study that persistent fatigue from the SARS-CoV2 infection was common and it was not dependent on the severity of the initial infection. Information is that nearly 69% of those persons who have recovered from Covid19 have persistent fatigue.

According to some doctors at the Chennai govt hospitals with post Covid-19 clinics it was confirmed that not all the patients have similar types of symptoms after getting recovered from the infection. Factors like physical health and presence of various co-morbid conditions in them would decide the nature of their post Covid-19 symptoms after their recovery. He concluded that fatigue of varying intensities post Covid- 19 recovery was a very common symptom.

According to Dr. E. Theranirajan of RGGGH in Chennai, many patients were not aware of the post Covid-19 symptoms such as breathing issues and fatigue etc. He advised the Covid-19 recovered patients to follow proper rehabilitation processes and concentrate on consuming healthy foods and fluids for total recovery.

It was mentioned by Dr. Jothydev Kesavdev chairman, Jothydev’s Diabetes Hospital and Research Centre that fatigue after Covid-19 recovery was one important issue that many patients were unable to identify. This would delay and affect the full-term recovery of the patients who have recovered from Covid19 infection. He threw light on the fatigue and lack of energy that could affect the daily lifestyle of the person.