Kumari Palany & Co

Banks to function only for 4 hours from today (Monday, 23rd March) against coronavirus spread!

Posted on: 23/Mar/2020 12:33:12 PM
As another precautionary step against the spreading of the coronavirus, it has been announced that the banks will function only for 4 hours from today (Monday, 23rd March).

The Indian Banks Association has recommended to the India banks to implement various new regulations due to the coronavirus impact.

  • Banks will function from 10.00 AM to 2.00 PM.
  • Some banks may function from 11.00 AM to 3.00 PM to suit their customers; need.
  • Only such activities such as withdrawal, deposit, cheques, Government-related services, and issue of money to other banks will be functional.
  • Jewellery loans will not be given.
  • Loan schemes, including new housing loans will not be processed.

These regulations are implemented from today (Monday, 23rd March) immediately. However, banks have been given an additional few days to implement this.