As the raging resurgent coronavirus pandemic continues s[reading fast and wide in the State of Tamil Nadu, a shortage of ambulances has occurred! There are hardships encountered while seeking 108 ambulance help!
In this scenario, private ambulances are having a profitable season, swindling the customers with hefty charges! Complaints have been recorded on this! Subsequently, the State Government of Tamil Nadu was constrained to release a new State Government Order regarding the charges for private ambulances!
Meanwhile, several incidents occurred with a shortage of ambulances leading even to the death of the patient! As such, the State Government had to undertake alternative measures! As one of the measures, 250 Call Taxis have been converted into ambulances!
This bold and sensational step, pursued by the Greater Chennai Corporation (GCC), was inaugurated by the State Minister from Urban Development Department K N Nehru!
As of now, 50 call-taxi-converted-ambulances are ready for public service!
It has been informed that these ambulances will be utilized for the affected and lonely citizens to be taken to the treatment centres!
GCC Health Analyst Swaminathan, in this regard, observed: “These “Call-taxi Ambulances” are not only useful for carrying the patients to the treatment Centres but also provides a business opportunity for the ‘Call-Taxi’ Owners, who could not do much business due to the prevalent lockdown imposition!”