With Chennai registering around 7000 fresh Coronavirus cases every day, many residents of Chennai infected with this infection died as there were delays in reaching the tertiary care hospitals for treatment. This would not be there in the future and the residents can feel happy.
Soon, GCC with NGO’s support would launch extension centres of government medical college hospitals for providing Covid-19 treatment for the residents belonging to Chennai. By this, load at government tertiary care hospitals would be reduced. There would be a dedicated team of doctors as well as nurses in these extension centres and they would help the Covid- 19 patients. This would save the lives of many.
On Sunday, 16TH May 2021 the new Chennai corporation commissioner Mr. Gagandeep Singh made his presence felt at several schools like Egmore based Don Bosco School etc for developing Covid care extension centres of KMCH.
It is worth mentioning that the GCC would provide beds, oxygen supplies and other infrastructure for the extension centres and NGOS would constitute a team of doctors and nurses sponsoring them. A team of doctors, consultants and nurses have been formed by Don Bosco Foundation to treat patients at the hospital that would be developed at the school premises soon.
Mr. Gagandeep Singh later hinted about how a 104 bedded hospital would be developed at the premises of Don Bosco School. He explained that the GCC would be playing its role in providing doctors, consultants and nurses, beds, infrastructure, sanitation etc. As many as 8 doctors, 3 consultants and 24 nurses would be provided by the Don Bosco Foundation. It is learnt that the beds have been shifted already and the oxygen concentrators would come soon.
He assured that by Wednesday Covid care extension centre would be started in Don Bosco School and it would be linked with the medical college hospital.