Tamil Nadu govt had issued orders regarding stopping visitors, attendants etc inside the Covid-19 isolation wards in the hospitals in TN but the government hospitals have not taken the order seriously it seems. The hospitals have asked the attendants and visitors to be inside the Covid-19 wards to take care of the patients.
The truth is that the government hospitals do not have enough manpower to help the Covid-19 patients in the wards and hence they have asked the visitors etc to be inside the wards.
On Saturday, DPH, Dr. T.S. Selvavinayagam issued an order (citing the TN Public Health Act 1939) stating that the visitors and attendants are not allowed inside the Covid-19 wards. These persons might become super spreaders of this Covid-19 infection. There has been no improvement regarding the hospital situation.
It was brought to light by a Chennai resident that she went to Kasturba Gandhi Hospital for admitting a patient on Sunday. The resident added that there were lots of beds and most patients had attendants sitting next to them. Truth is that atleast 10 to 15 attendants were seen walking in and out of the wards. It is learnt that the hospital has been admitting patients only when there was an attendant.
According to Dr. S. Kalaivani, director of Kasturba Gandhi Hospital, it was very clear that the patients in the general ward have been redirected here from Omandurar Multi-speciality Hospital. She explained about how the beds are in shortage in that hospital and hence the beds in Kasturba Gandhi Hospitals have been utilised now.