Under the Phase Unlock-4, the Tamil Nadu State government has permitted government transport faculties to resume services. With the transport facilities from one district to another within the state already operating, the reservations will commence from today (5th September, Saturday) for the special trains to be operated from the Chennai Metro City Central and Egmore Railway Stations.
The details of the special trains
- Coimbatore to Chennai Central Inter-City Special Train (025675): Departure from Chennai 6.10 AM Destination Coimbatore: 2.05 PM. Return: Starting Time: (from Coimbatore) 3.15 PM. Destination Central ; 11.00 PM. Route: Perambur, Arkonam, Wallaja Road, Katpadi Junction. Ambur, Jolarpettai, Salem Junction, Erode Junction, Tirupur.
- Coimbatore to Mayiladuthurai (Except on Tuesdays): Jan Shatabdi Special Train: 02084 Starting time from Coimbatore: 7.10 AM. Reaching time: 1.40 Pm. Return: Starting time from Mayiladuthurai 2.50 PM Arrival time at Coimbatore: 9.15 PM
- Chennai to Coimbatore: InterCity Superfast Express: 02679 Starting time from Chennai 2.30 AM Arrival time: 10.15 PM.
- Coimbatore to Chennai: InterCity Superfast Express: 02680 Starting time from Coimbatore: 6.15 AM Arrival time: 1.50 PM.
- Chennai to Coimbatore: 02673 Starting time from Chennai 10.00 PM. Arrival Time: 6.00 AM
- Coimbatore to Chennai - 02674 Starting time from Coimbatore: 10.40 PM Arrival Tie: 6.35 AM.
- Chennai Egmore to Trichy: Special Train 06795 Starting from Chennai: 8.00 AM. Arrival: 4.00 PM.
- Trichy to Chennai Egmore Special Train: 06796 Starting time from Trichy -10.00 AM. Arrival: 5.50 PM.
- Chennai Egmore to Karaikkudi Superfast Express - 02605 Starting Time from Chennai 3.45 PM. Arrival: 11.10 PM
- Karaikkudi to Chennai Egmore: Superfast Express 02606 - Starting Time from Karaikkudi: 4.45 AM. Arrival at Chennai: 12.10 PM.
- Chennai Egmore to Madurai: Superfast Express 02635 Starting time from Chennai: 1.40 PM. Arrival: 9.15 PM.
- Madurai to Chennai: Special Train: 02636 Starting time from Madurai: 7.00 AM. Arrival: 2.35 PM.
- Chennai Egmore to Madurai: Special Train: daily will start from Chennai Egmore at 9.40 PM. Return trip: Starting from Madurai: 9.20 PM.
- Chennai Egmore to Thoothukdi: Starting time from Chennai: 7.35 PM Arrival: Next day 6.45 AM.
- Thoothukkudi to Chennai Egmore; Starting from Thoothukkudi: 08.05 PM. Arrival: Next day 7.35 AM.
- Chennai Egmore to Sengottai: (Only on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays): Starting time from Chennai: 08.25 AM. Arrival: Next day 9.00 AM
- Sengottai to Chennai (Ony on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays): Starting time from Sengottai: 04.45 PM. Arrival: Next day: 5.30 AM.
- Chennai Egmore to Kanyakumari: Starting time from Chennai: 05.35 PM. Arrival: Next day: 6.30 AM. Return Trip: Starting time: 05.05 PM. Arrival: Next day: 6.15 AM.
- Chennai Central to Mettupalayam: Starting time from Chennai: 09.05 PM. Arrival: Next day 06.15 AM. Return trip: Stating time: 07.45 PM. Arrival: Next day: 04.50AM.
- Trichy to Nagercoil: Starting time: 06.00 AM. Arrival: 01.00 PM. Return Trip: Starting timeme: 03.00 PM. Arrival: 09.45 PM.
For passengers note:
- Wearing face mask mandatory !
- Arrive at the station 30 Minutes with the ticket in hand !