The Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission has announced the written test for the recruitment of the posts of Analyst and Assistant Analyst.
Applications are invited from eligible and interested candidates.
Total Vacancies: 88
Post: Analyst – 64
Academic Qualifications:
Candidates MUST be graduates in Fishery Science OR postgraduates in Zoology, Biology, coastal fisheries, or M. Sc. In Oceanology.
Post: Assistant Analyst – 24
Academic Qualifications:
Candidates MUST have a Diploma in Fisheries Technology and a B. Sc. Graduate in Zoology or Fisheries Science.
Age Limit:
Common cadre candidates MUST be under the age of 32 years. No upper age limit for candidates of other cadres!
Selection Procedure:
Candidates will be selected based on their performances in the ONLINE written test and the interview.
ONLINE Written test centres: Chennai, Madurai, Coimbatore, Trichy, Thirunelveli, Salem and Vellore.
Applying Procedure: Visit the website Apply ONLINE.
Permanent Registration Fee: Rs. 150/-.
Examination Fee: Rs. 100/-. These HAVE to be paid ONLINE.
The last date for applying ONLINE:
For further information, visit the website and read the announcement.