Superb piece of information for the persons with ENT or ear-nose-throat problems and vertigo problem etc.
For many years, Apollo Hospitals has been providing top class treatment for the patients. This highly popular Apollo Hospitals in Chennai has now launched an integrated Neuro ENT vertigo and balanced disorders clinic. It is now revealed that persons who have vertigo issue, imbalance and fear of falling down etc could get treated at this clinic.
It is superb to note that this high tech based clinic would provide precise evaluations. This integrated clinic would have state of the art diagnostic technologies such as VHIT or video head impulse test, videonystagmography or VMG plus other features like brain imaging and caloric testing etc.
On 7th and 8th December, Apollo Hospitals would host Chennai Vertigo Summit 2024. It is worth mentioning here that in this summit leading health experts would come together to discuss various topics like latest advancements in treating vestibular, ocular motor and balance disorders etc.
It is true that the quality of life would get affected by vertigo, imbalance and fear of falling down etc. Precise diagnosis and multidisciplinary treatments would be required to treat the patients with these above mentioned issues.
What is really amazing is that this integrated clinic would combine the expertise of neurologists, ENT specialists, audiologist and vestibular rehabilitation therapists etc. Every aspect of these conditions would be addressed and comprehensive care would be given to the patients.
Vice chairman of Apollo Hospitals Preetha Reddy spoke about how the launch of the integrated clinic would be a huge step towards tackling an important problem of the patients. She added that by combining the advanced technology and expertise of top class doctors the standard for care would be raised.