Chief Minister M.K. Stalin will inaugurate the annual cultural festival "Chennai Sangamam: Namma Ooru Thiruvizha 2025" on January 13 at the Yekambareswarar Temple Ground, E.V.R. Periyar Salai, Kilpauk, at 6 PM. The festival, organized by the state tourism and culture department as part of Pongal celebrations, will showcase Tamil Nadu`s rich cultural heritage.
Event Highlights:
- Duration: January 13 to January 17, 2025.
- Venues: 18 locations across Chennai, including Elliot’s Beach, Besant Nagar, Thiruvanmiyur Beach, Tower Park (Anna Nagar), and Corporation Ground (Saidapet).
- Timings: 6 PM to 9 PM daily.
- Grand musical and dance performance featuring 200 folk artists at the inaugural event.
- Traditional art forms like Naiyyandi Melam, Thappattam, Karagattam, Kaavadiattam, and Silambattam performed by 1,500 artists.
This festival, successfully conducted over the past three years, aims to celebrate Tamil Nadu`s traditional arts and provide Chennaiites with a unique cultural experience.