The 10th Tamil Nadu International Balloon Festival (TNIBF) began on a vibrant note at Thiruvidanthai along East Coast Road on Friday morning. Around 10 colorful hot air balloons from eight countries, including Austria, Brazil, Thailand, and Vietnam, graced the skies.
Tourism Minister R Rajendran, along with Ministers TM Anbarasan and IAS officers Dr. Chandra Mohan B and Shilpa Prabhakar Satish, inaugurated the event.
Among the crowd favorites were uniquely shaped balloons like Wes the Wolf (UK), Hugo the Cheetah (Austria), and Cameron (Belgium).
Founder Benedict Savio highlighted the dependency of balloon events on weather, emphasizing that certified pilots ensure safety under strict civil aviation regulations.
For the first time, TNIBF will also be held in Madurai at the Kalaignar Centenary Jallikattu Arena. The festival schedule is as follows:
- Chennai: Until January 12
- Pollachi: January 14–16
- Madurai: January 18–19
Don`t miss this spectacular celebration of hot air balloons!