If you come to know that the excess salt (in foods) you consume is the main cause for health issues like blood pressure, heart diseases and kidney problems etc, then how will you react?
It is true that the excess salt intake is a growing health concern across the world now. There are many who consume about twice the salt intake that is recommended. This was according to the World Health Organisation or WHO. It is noteworthy that the daily salt intake must be less than 5gms or one teaspoon per day. The processed foods and fast foods we eat would contribute to excess salt intake. It is possible to make simple lifestyle changes to cut down on the excess salt intake and improve health.
Various ways by which we can reduce excess intake of salt are
By cooking with fresh ingredients:
The amount of salt in the foods can be controlled by home cooked meals. It is good to use fresh ingredients like fresh vegetables, whole grains etc to prepare meals and avoid processed foods. Foods such as packaged seasonings, sauces, ready to eat foods etc would have excess salt in them. Hence, we must try to avoid them.
By reading labels fully:
It is worthy to note that many packaged foods would have sodium in them even if they don`t taste salty. Hence, it is essential to check out the sodium content by reading the labels carefully. We must try to avoid foods having MSG or monosodium glutamate, baking soda and preservatives etc. Please be careful.
By lowering the intake of processed foods:
We might consume excess sodium unknowingly by consuming processed foods and foods from restaurants etc. It is necessary to reduce the intake of chips, canned soups, instant noodles etc as they are rich in sodium. Instead of salted snacks, we can opt for fresh fruits, nuts etc.
By gradually reducing salt in meals:
Our taste buds would be able to adjust if we gradually reduce salt intake. It is known that sudden salt reduction is difficult. Salt intake must be reduced by half while cooking and increase flavour with vinegar, lemon juice etc. Instead of salt based seasonings, we can try fresh herbs or flavoured oils etc. Instead of high sodium alternatives, it is superb to opt for unsalted butter and homemade salad dressings etc.
By increasing potassium rich foods:
It has been brought out by AHA or American health Association that potassium intakeke would help in balancing sodium levels and lower blood pressure. Potassium rich foods like bananas, oranges, spinach etc would be superb. Avoid processed snacks and instead eat yoghurt, nuts and dark leafy greens etc. Please take care.