Kumari Palany & Co

Scorching summer leads to sudden power cut

Posted on: 13/Mar/2019 12:01:03 PM
With the prevailing extremely scorching summer, the frequent unannounced power-cuts have caused great disappointment and hardship among the public! As it is, the present power generation of TANGEDCO can meet the demand. However, due to some other technical problems in the electrical equipment, the frequent power-cut occurrence continues.

With the scorching summer already in full swing, the public is put to great hardship when the power is cut and they are quite disappointed!

A TANGEDCO official explained regarding this:

‘Complete arrangements have already been made to meet the increasing power demand with the onset of summer! Among the various domestic appliances, the air-conditioner consumes more power as compared to TV or mixer/grinder.

With the ongoing public and other examinations in schools and colleges and with the scorching summer, the usage of air-conditioners has shot up in a huge way and so, demand is more. Because of this, there is a possibility that electrical equipment such as transformers installed in substations may get overloaded and get damaged! In order to avoid this, there is a necessity to cut power to keep the equipment ‘off’ for 15 minutes to prevent damage due to overloading and then resume.’