Kumari Palany & Co

Hospitals aren’t willing to submit report on death - why?

Posted on: 19/Mar/2014 6:13:42 PM
It has been found the city is facing raised number of cases in deaths out of communicable diseases. Confusingly, the hospitals deny providing reports on these deaths, pretending the data not to be disclosed without internal approval. When requested for the reports under RTI Act, Communicable diseases hospital (CDH) Tondairpet refused to give out reports on cholera, H1N1, acute diarrhoel disease, etc. “We need the approval of corporation commissioner for us to provide the data,” they stated.

It leaves us guessed to know that they are ready to disclose details of dengue and malaria cases, but not the above mentioned ones: cholera, diarrhea, H1N1, etc. Why should they maintain them secretive?

Speaking to a CDH official, he said the hospital requires approval from the commissioner without which they cannot share the exact figures of number of deaths. When enquired for his opinion about the situation, the deputy commissioner of health, Dr. T. Anand had nothing to comment.