Kumari Palany & Co

‘Spot Fine’ system to be introduced in Transport Department

Posted on: 20/May/2014 3:27:50 PM
Following the Police Department, the Transport Department has also decided to introduce the ‘spot-fine system’.

The Police Department introduced the ‘Spot Fine’ system in the year 2012 in order to reduce the traffic drivers’ failing to follow the traffic rules. Two-wheeler drivers without wearing helmets, the driver not keeping his/her driving licence, failure to keep all essential documents and failure to renew vehicle insurance were fined on the spot of getting caught. This has yielded good results.

Now, the transport department has followed the Police Department to introduce ‘spot fine’ system.

Spot Fine device will be issued to each regional transport office. The official will check for all the essential data; if anything is missing, spot fine will be levied.

The collected fine will be recorded in the server. This will facilitate keeping the ready data on entire state. Tenders are being floated for this plan.

The project cost is fixed at Rs. 4 Crores.It will be introduced shortly.