Kumari Palany & Co

Visit doctor if fever persists for more than 2 days

Posted on: 23/Jan/2015 11:13:09 AM
Doctors have mentioned that if fever persists for more than 2 days, they should undergo swine fever test.  It is a normal thing for virus to spread during cold season. As far as Tamil Nadu is concerned people in Chennai, Vellore and Coimbatore have been affected by swine fever. H1N1 has flu-like symptoms such as fever, cough, flushing of face and running nose. If fever does not subside for more than two days, it is better to seek medical advice at PHCs, GHs or medical college hospitals.
The testing facility for H1N1 infection is available at the CMC in the district and King Institute of Preventive Medicine, Chennai. Officials said precautionary measures should be taken at the community level. People should adopt practices such as frequent washing of hands using soap and water, especially after returning from outside. Simple measures like covering the nose and mouth with towels or handkerchief while coughing or sneezing will help.