Chennai is not just facing rise in temperature, but an exorbitant rise in the price of veggies as well. Anna nagar consumers were dumbstruck looking at the price tag of tomatoes that showed Rs 50 per kg. Prices of varied vegetables are on the rise the reason for which is cited to be the low yield from the other states from where Chennai source them. Traders say water scarcity and soaring levels of mercury have greatly affected the yield.
Speaking to residents in Mogappair, they say they are picky about choosing their vegetables for daily cooking needs. They buy a very few compared to earlier days. Cheaper vegetables that fall under their budget are preferred. The weekly vegetable bill for me has raised from Rs 150 to Rs 250 said one of the residents.
Among the costliest vegetables are tomatoes and beans. Koyambedu receives just 40 truckloads of tomatoes in the recent days which were earlier 60 truck loads every day, say traders in the market. Owing to excessive heat in Andhra Pradesh, the quantity of loads is reduced.
Drumsticks have become costly too. Most of the veggies in the market are tagged above Rs 30 even in the wholesale markets, say traders.