Prime Minister Narendra Modi is in Chennai today to launch the First National Handloom Day. He would also present Sant Kabir Awards and National Awards for handloom weavers on the occasion.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi left New Delhi in a special flight and arrived in Chennai at 10.30 AM. Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa received Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the Chennai airport. From there Prime Minister Narendra Modi left at 10.35 AM to Madras University Centenary Buildings where he will launch the first National Handloom Day celebrations at an event organized by the union textiles ministry. Jayalalithaa will not attend the Handloom Day function. She has deputed two Ministers. At 11.15 AM Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrives at the Madras University Centenary Buildings. At 11.38 AM Union Minister of State for Textiles Santosh Kumar Gangwar delivers the welcome address. He was grateful to PM Modi for accepting our request to launch National Handloom Day. At 11.56 A M Mr. Modi confers the Sant Kabir award and the National Awards. Awardee from Varnasi, Mr. Modi`s constituency, gets huge applause at University of Madras.
The function will come to an end at 12.35 PM. At 12.40 Prime Minister Narendra Modi will head to Jayalalithaa`s Poes Garden residence for a 45-minute long luncheon meeting at 12:50 PM. Prime Minister Narendra Modi will leave Poes Garden at 1.35 PM and arrive at the Chennai Airport at 2 AM. He will leave by a special flight to New Delhi at 2.05 PM and arrive in New Delhi at 4.50 PM.