Kumari Palany & Co

Chennai Corporation plan: Private sector advertisements in parks and street lamp-posts

Posted on: 28/Jul/2016 2:54:09 PM
503 Main Parks and 166 Street-side parks are set up and quite meticulously maintained, owned by the Chennai City Corporation.The plants in these parks are being watered regularly and the park is cleaned regularly. The parks are green and colourful.

This has attracted the visit of more public and children. Facilities to do walking exercise has been provided in the main parks.So, plenty of senior citizens are visiting the park in the mornings and evenings. As the parks are green and colourful, shooting of films and television serials are also conducted.

At the same time, the Corporation has to incur huge expenses to maintain these parks. So, the city mayor Saidai Duraiswamy has initiated efforts for the parks to be adopted by private agencies. A decision has been taken to allow the private sector companies, jewellery and textile shops, or some private agencies adopt and maintain these parks.

So, the city’s 503 main parks and 166 street-side parks can be adopted by any agency. The rates are fixed per every 100 sq metres.

This amount has to be paid to the corporation as a deposit. The agency will maintain for the specified period. As the private agencies are maintaining, they can put up their advertisements in these parks.

Thus, the parks, which were maintained by Chennai Corporation until now are being handed over to private agencies. They have to maintain the parks, clean, green, and powerful. This would save the Corporation the expenditure on the maintenance of parks. The parties who are interested can approach Chennai Corporation.

In a similar angle, in order to increase the revenue, the Chennai Corporation has been exploring the possibilities to allow advertisements in the medians in high roads and the street lamp-posts. There are 3,30 lakhs street lampposts in Chennai city.

It has been estimated that th Corporation will earn a revenue of Rs. 150 Crores per year if the private sector advertisements are allowed on the street lamp posts.

Another avenue for increasing the revenue is to allow adoption of the 129 traffic islands in the city. This would pave the way for better beautification.This idea is also mooted by the Chennai Corporation.