Former Chief Secretary Sheela Balakrishnan who was adviser to the Tamil Nadu Government quit her post. She had handed over her responsibilities in office of Chief Minister. However, there was no news about her quitting from the Tamil Nadu Government. She took over charge as chief secretary in the year 2012. In the year 2014, she attained superannuation. At that point of time she was appointed as advisor to Tamil Nadu Government during Jayalalitha regime. She was one of the very important people in the Tamil Nadu administration.
Sheila Balakrishnan was believed to have played a key role in guiding the State’s administration during the 75 days when Jayalalithaa was in hospital.
Sheila Balakrishnan who hails from Trivandrum in Kerala passed her IAS examination in the year 1976. From the year 2002, she was the most trusted officer of the former chief minister Jayalalitha.